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If someone has breached a duty to you or someone has alleged you breached a duty, contact the Dallas breach of contract lawyers at the Hunnicutt Law Group today.

Dallas breach of contract lawyer

Breach of contract claims arise each and every day in a variety of situations. But what exactly constitutes a breach of contract, and what do you do when you become involved in a Dallas breach of contract dispute? 

Fortunately, there are a number of legal remedies that parties can pursue to protect and enforce their contract rights. 

If you are a party to a contract that someone else has breached or if you are being accused of breaching a contract, contact The Hunnicutt Law Group today.

Dallas breach of contract lawyer, Steve Hunnicutt, has 30 years of experience helping parties navigate their breach of contract and other litigation disputes.

We hope to have the opportunity to help you fight for your contract rights too. 

Please contact us online or call (214) 361-6740 for a consultation.

Facing a breach of contract can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to handle it alone. Let’s work together to protect what matters most to you. Contact Us

Why Hire The Hunnicutt Law Group to Handle Your Breach of Contract Dispute? 

With so many attorneys out there, it can be difficult to find the right one that fits your particular legal needs.

Here are a few reasons why we think The Hunnicutt Law Group is the best Dallas breach of contract attorney for you.

We Represent Clients in a Wide Variety of Texas Contract Matters

People use contracts early to avoid confusion, disagreements, and disappointments later. In business, this is particularly important, as the viability of the business could be at stake if someone violates the terms in the contract.

What are your options, then, if you enter into a business agreement with someone who breaches the contract?

One of the first things you should do is contact an experienced Dallas breach of contract lawyer.

At The Hunnicutt Law Group, we have experience with many types of contract disputes and have litigated Texas breach of contract claims from beginning to end, from small businesses to large ones, and from minor breaches to material breaches.

No matter what your Dallas breach of contract case involves, we have the tools, experience, and resources to fight for your rights.

Looking For A Breach of Contract Lawyer?

If you need help handling a breach of contract dispute, contact The Hunnicutt Law Group today.

Schedule a Consultation

We Have Extensive Litigation Experience

Litigation experience is a must. You may have heard that most legal cases settle before making it to trial. While this is true, having an attorney with litigation experience is crucial, nonetheless. 

Just because a case does not make it all the way to trial does not mean there is no litigation involved whatsoever. In fact, most cases will require numerous motions, hearings, and negotiations, all of which are part of the overall “litigation” process. This is also true if your dispute is in arbitration.

Of course, if your case is one of those that does require a court trial, you do not want to be left with an attorney who has no litigation experience.  

Some attorneys focus their entire practice on transactional matters. This means that the extent of their contract law experience may involve only drafting, reviewing, and negotiating contracts. 

The Hunnicutt Law Group, however, focuses primarily on disputes and litigation. We have handled dozens of trials and have helped countless clients navigate their contract litigation disputes. We are confident that we have the experience necessary to help you too. 

Understanding Dallas, Texas Breach of Contract Claims

At the end of the day, a breach of contract claim is a type of legal action. And as with any legal action, there are certain elements that you must meet to win your case

Of course, we will take on the majority of the heavy lifting in pursuing your claims. But it is still important to have a basic understanding of your rights and obligations under Texas contract law.

What Exactly Constitutes a Breach of Contract?

Any party’s failure to fulfill any of its contractual obligations is considered a breach. A breach could happen if a party fails to perform on time, does not perform according to the terms of the agreement, fails to pay on time or the correct amount, or fails to fulfill any of its contractual obligations at all.

Specifically, to prevail on a breach of contract claim in Texas, you must be able to prove the following: 

  • A valid contract existed between the parties;
  • You adhered to the terms and obligations under the contract;
  • The other party failed to fulfill their obligations and duties under the contract; and 
  • You suffered damages or harm as a result of the other party’s breach. 

Proving all four elements can be more complicated than you might think. In fact, sometimes the most difficult element to prove is whether a valid and enforceable contract existed at all. 

Experienced Dallas breach of contract lawyers can help you assess your case and create a plan to help you recover

Where Do Breach of Contract Claims Occur? 

Breach of contract claims can arise in a variety of scenarios.

Common examples of breach of contract claims we see at our Texas breach of contract firm include: 

  • Failure to provide goods or services, 
  • Breach of construction contracts, 
  • Breach of license agreements, 
  • Violation of shipping contracts, 
  • Failure to pay, and 
  • Breach of business partnership and operating agreements. 

Regardless of what type of contract you are a party to, know you have rights if another party breaches the agreement. Give us a call to discuss your rights and options.

What Are My Rights When Another Party Breaches the Contract?

If your Texas contract was breached, you have the rights to relief (or remedy) under the law.

This includes damages, specific performance, cancellation, and restitution.

A failure to perform according to the terms of the contract is a breach. A breach of contract may subject the breaching party to the payment of money (damages to the non-breaching party). The breaching party may also be ordered by a court to pay attorney’s fees.

Specific performance is a legal remedy if damages prove to be inadequate. The breaching party must perform a duty as ordered by the court. This step is usually taken if the subject matter of the contract is rare or unique and if damages caused more than financial damage to the non-breaching party.

Let Us Get You Results. Contact Our Dallas, Texas Breach of Contract Attorneys

Whether you believe someone has breached a duty to you or someone has alleged you breached a duty, you will need competent legal counsel.

Trust our Dallas business litigation and breach of contract lawyer with your situation.

Our founding attorney, Steve Hunnicutt, has 30 years of experience obtaining successful results for his clients. He and his team will advocate on your behalf to get you the results you deserve.

Call us at (214) 361-6740 or fill out our online form to schedule an initial case consultation either in our office or by remote video conferencing.

Reach Out To Your Breach Of Contract Attorney Near You

If you’re in Dallas and facing a breach of contract situation, you’re not alone. Our dedicated breach of contract attorneys are here to provide you with expert legal guidance and support. Located in the heart of Dallas, we understand the local business landscape and are committed to helping individuals and businesses navigate their legal challenges with confidence.